So whats the point you may be asking yourself? "Why is this guy's picture on your blog Chester?" Well, I'm glad you asked....Several reasons in fact. The first reason is that this picture is absolutely hilarious- soak it up, marinate it is... its OK.
Second is on our morning ride into work this morning Matt started drilling it as he is known to do from time to time to forever (no seriously, he has one speed unless he is recovering from a run or riding with his wife) and as all of my many many many fans out there who read and follow my blog must know I am just starting to train again so this kind of erks me when he starts to turn the screws... especially at 6 in the morning when I am envisioning a nice quiet peaceful commute full of witty banter and intelligent verbal jousting. So I says to the guy in an attempt to make him slow down:
"In a hurry"
"No, Just cold"
[more hammer time ]--fast forward 10 minutes and 10 miles later--"You're on one this morning, so much for a slow ride into work"
"This is slow"
"What, 27 mph?"
"Yes, 27 mph is slow, 29 is medium, and fast is 30-35 depending on whose pulling... recovery pace is around 15 mph" Yeah ok Matt, whatever you say champ...Last year I had a set of goals for the 2009 racing year.
Number 5 read :
Destroy Matt Dubberly in a way that causes such shame and demoralization so
great that he hangs up his bike for good and makes a solemn vow to never ride
again-This will be my greatest challenge by far, for M Dub is a formidable
opponent indeed. Perhaps if burritos are on the line I can summon the 'Hammer'
Now the tides have changed somewhat and while towards the later half of the season I destroyed Matt any time the road even somewhat tilted up hill I would say that on a whole I failed miserably at this goal. As I mentioned before he is a formidable opponent. But as the saying goes if you can't beat em, join em. Matt will be coming out of retirement to race 2010 for Platinum Performance cycling team along with the likes of Ben THE HAMMER haldeman and Zach Attack Walker. Add these guys to an already extremely talented 2010 Platinum p12 roster including names like Cookie, Garyanne, S Zizzle, Marco, and BidDaddy Johnson and it looks like SoCal is in for a world of hurt this year. Motivation is high for me right now and while I am easing back into the training I have the itch big time... I also have really positive feeling about next year. I think I am going to learn a ton about racing bicycles and I can't say enough about how Excited I am for the team. Here's to 2010....
Chester Gillmore Fan Club Anonymous Member #122478: Woe chester... did you really destroy MDUB every-time the road tilted up?
Chester: No, not really. But there was that one ride...
Chester Gillmore Fan Club Anonymous Member #122478: Is it true that you lived next to the world famous HAMMER... Chris Horner's #1 domestique when he was riding domestically?
Chester: Yes, those rumors were true. I frequently borrowed his garden tools. In fact, I still am in possession of a set of his metric allen wrenches
A famous pro once said: "Pain is temporary, quitting is forever!"
This guy clearly never commuted into work with Matt. Had he, he would find the level of lactic acid created when keeping pace with Matt is enough to permanently etch at least 10 IQ points from your brain.
Re Matt and your 2009 goal... your memory needs to be more selective. For example, the way I remember 2009, you ABSOLUTELY CRUSHED Matt in the only race in which you both competed together. That's right, I'm talking about the ultimate springtime classic, The Ronde de Solvang, otherwise referred to as the Solvang Century. Now some of your blog readers might not realize this event is actually a race, but those readers must not have seen the way Matt rode that day. I remember he attacked our group relentlessly during the first hour, causing some old ladies on tandems to ask, "Who is that speedy rosy-cheeked guy!?!" You, on the other hand, kept your cool and relied on your years of experience racing in the cold crosswinds coming off the Northern coast of Belgium. In the final hour, when the pretenders blow away like bits of straw, you reeled in Matt like he was attached to your fishing line. Next, you gutted him and tossed his carcass by the side of the road to feed the grateful Turkey buzzards. The record will show you raced on to victory in Solvang to the welcoming cheers of a thousand fans or more. I'm pretty sure Matt DNF'ed. I don't know how you can possibly top that achievement in 2010!!!
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