Well this morning I decided what the heck... why not, life is short (as is the off season) right?
Guess what I had for breakfast?

That's right! Home made vegan gluten free pumpkin pie made by probably the greatest wife in the entire world: one Caitlin Berry Gillmore.
OH man that stuff was good... went down smooth, real smooth.
And what is the best part? There are 4 more slices waiting for me in the fridge which I will promptly devour as soon I am home.
But I learned a lesson in the process. Never, ever, EVER, EVER, stick your finger in a cooling pie in an attempt to taste the goods and let the baker of the pie catch you red handed sampling the goods before they have been placed on the open market. That is one mistake that this kid will never make again for the rest of my life...Could be the worst mistake I've made all week.
2 legit
2 legit to... what?
remember that?
If that's the worst mistake you've made all week, it looks like your having a good week! Would your lovely wife like to share that recipe? I have a gluten-free, vegan chocolate cake in the oven right now...
@ Marina –
"If that's the worst mistake you've made all week, it looks like your having a good week"
Obviously you have never made this mistake... But yes it has been a pretty good week thank you much.
And Of course Caitlin would NOT share that super secret ultra awesome recopies with you. If you knew about it, how would it be super secret ultra awesome? Huh? Answer me that ;-)
Us 3 are going to have to have a little turkey day party in the back house... all I can say is hold on to your britches... this is going to be the best gluten-free vegan thanksgiving ever... and perhaps if we are able to sneakily give away some of our delectable’s to the world then we can spread the vegan gluten free love! (I'm glad you are teetering on the edge of veganism marina... it is probably one of the most significant impacts that an individual can make on the environment - also your body will thank you... but what it really is all about is the Animals. The other stuff is great... but I think animal rights are the e-ticket in my mind... But whatever gets you there!)
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