No matter how good a blog may be or a blog post may be they always look better with a barrage of comments.
I have always been of the act as if mentality... fake it 'till you make it.
When I was struggling in college I decided to do just as those who got A's did. I showed up to class on a semi nay regular basis, sat near the front of the class, actively participated in discussion topics, and completed homework assignments. Occasionally I even studied for the midterm and exams. Lo and behold My grades shot through the roof... SOO that's how they did it.
When I was struggling in college I decided to do just as those who got A's did. I showed up to class on a semi nay regular basis, sat near the front of the class, actively participated in discussion topics, and completed homework assignments. Occasionally I even studied for the midterm and exams. Lo and behold My grades shot through the roof... SOO that's how they did it.
Very different from my meditative trance like states prior to Theatre History exams where I would attempt to connect with the collective unconscious of mankind and access the limitless knowledge of all humanity that floated in the spiritual realm... (which by the way is still not a bad way to go if you have failed to aptly prepare for an exam).
Needless to say the former worked much better then the latter.
Where exactly am I going with all this? Well, I am glad you asked because I am not exactly sure.
But what I do know is that very popular blogs rarely see a post with out commentary. Usually the commentary itself is a forum for continued discussion about the blog post. know my narcissistic ranting and shameless self promotion very rarely warrant a forum style discussion. Furthermore my posts are very rarely controversial enough to stir up peoples feelers. Few people feel emotionally connected to a story about my trip to a laundry mat or what I saw on my commute to work. What I have been trying to do however is write consistently. Sometimes I am able to extract philosophy and moral discussion out of my daily activities and give a little view into what my take on life is; sometimes I am not. The whole point is that regardless of weather it is the substance that makes those certain blogs riddled with comments and opinions or just shear volume of followers (I receive between 15 and 45 hits a day on this site depending on the day-most of those other blogs see hits upwards of 1000 I am sure), comments just look more legit.
So until you 15 readers out there (actually now that I think about is those 15 viewers are probably just my dad who I am sure visits my sight over and over and over again- Love you dad, you have always been my #1 fan) wake up and start commenting this dang thing so it looks more legit I will be posting comments on my own blog maybe in Haiku, maybe nonsequiters, but most likely they will be about how my progress in the handsome boy modeling school for awesome people is going.
Fake it 'till you make it right?... right?
purple hypno toad
zapping all of my mojo
Umbrellas wont help
OK..I'll comment. Indeed you said you simply played the good student and got good grades. I never played that way and was happy with bad grades and life experience. In the end though....spelling does show a professional or a well honed individual.
There are two easy ones on initial glance of your blog. Don't even need to scroll ;-)
OK... an off topic comment to get things going. A hint...Who's your sponsor?
Don’t kid yourself... perforamce is the new performance... get that for sure. ;)
But seriously, spelling has never been a strong suit. I suffer from mild dyslexia so what I read is not always what I write. I had to read that sentence about 10 times looking at each individual letter before I realized what you were referring to.
"Spelling does show a professional or a well honed individual."
Call me old fashioned, but when I filled out the 'what do you want to be when you grow up' questionnaire in highschool, I didn't check the professional, well honed individual box.
I also think there is a whole lot more to being a "well honed individual" then just spelling.
If you want properly structured sentences and grammatical excellence you are in the wrong place brotha. If thats what you are looking for head over to my Sisters blog http://voluntarysimplicityandsocialjustice.blogspot.com/. If you are able to find a gramatical or spelling error over there I will personally take you out for a pancake breakfast.
Here at the Y&R we are anti edit, anti backspace button here.
"Whatever comes up comes out- we don’t put our hands over our mouths"
... Oh yeah I almost forgot...
Pink baboons rambling down the side walk in May, jabbing jabbering ewoks with particular parsnips aimed at a satisfied mind
Babe Ruth lot of hits
Most people like dogs and cats
Post Molly photos
Hat manly is king
send me photos of molly
and they will appear
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