Friday, April 29, 2011

Give it up...

About 3 weeks ago for all intents and purposes I gave up refined sugars. I say for all intensive purposes because I still have the occasional bowl of cereal (puffed rice) that lists sugar as an ingredient, and while on a ride I will still eat a cliff bar here and there, or a Ginger chew. The first week I was having cravings at night that rivaled cigarette cravings when I used to smoke. I smoked for about 5 years or so and when I finally gave em up those cravings were no joke. Intense, demanding attention. Well I was very surprised to find cravings for sugar on the same caliber. The funny thing is you get through it and then its over and I always feel better when I stick to my guns and do not cave in. Slowly these cravings are being subsiding. Another thing that has been helpful to eat a good amount of fruit. I think it really helps to get good levels of natural sugars int he system. I am not sure how long I am going to keep this up. The original plan was do do it for about 6 weeks. I have a friend who has never really eaten refined sugar, not as a child, not ever. He can not STAND the taste of it. I also know many really talented endurance athletes who obstane from most refined sugar. I think the proof is in the pudding.

This week I gave up coffee. No big deal for some, but ever since I returned from Italy my espresso intake has been on the rise. What started as one or two doubles a day was quickly turning into 6 or even 7. Enough was enough so I gave it up on Monday. I switched over to green tea and after only 4 days my energy levels are stabilizing out, I am sleeping better at night, and my perceived stress has reduced greatly.

With a kid on the way I have been thinking long and hard about being an example. The biggest impact we make on others is how we live our own lives. I think this is especially true with the little ones as they will be watching Mom and Dad. I have been thinking a lot about accountability and the current areas in my life where my actions and how I actually live my life differ from my so called beliefs. In other words, I have been thinking about the disconnects. These were two little simple changes that I could make that would better align my values and my actions.

1 comment:

Marina Gillmore said...

This is an important post, Chester. Thanks for writing and for sharing the wisdom of your experiences with the world. I, too, have been back on the sugar elimination kick... And, as you said, it's really so easy to impact others through the simple actions we take every day to live out our beliefs. :)