But as it turns out I was situated to race the CA state and US Cup Championships.
The following is a brief description was Platinum Performance Rider Todd Booth about the course:
The California State Championship along with the US Cup Unification Championship were combined at the one day “winner takes all” at Bonelli Park on Sept 12th. Having the race scheduled in early September at 2pm means one thing….hot temperatures!!!! The racers were not disappointed with the temps reaching in the high 80’s. The course was a UCI format with short laps, very rocky, technical descents and steep, punchy climbs. I won't bore you with a play by play just a few of the pertinent details and a few lessons that I was able to extract from the whole ordeal.
Thanks to the Generosity of Team mate and all around Mtn Bike/ X-bike/ Motto X stuff Bobby Langin Sr (yes the the same bobby from LANGTOWN, USA ) I was equipped with a 'top of the line" specialized all terrain WMD on which to compete.
I was forced to sell my Mountain Bike about 2 years ago. The bikes were over taking the kitchen in our small apartment and the Wife said enough it enough. Because of my budding interest in road cycling the decision to sell the Mountain bike was an easy one.
I crawl downhill and when I say crawl I mean CRAWL, I am fairly certain that I can climb a technical hill faster then I can descend. So the plan was to explode out of the gate and hit the first punchy climb first so as to be able to gain enough time on the first climb to not get passed on the descent. The plan went off with out a hitch and I was able to build a lead of a couple minutes on the first lap. But the stuff hit the fan during the second lap, when I flatted just after the flat jaunt through the parking lot.... A flat... Dang I thought. I was pretty upset and frustrated. I had a c02 and spare tube but I did not have a tire iron and I had no clue what to expect trying to put a tube into a tubeless set up. At this point I just started running with my bike... There was a fairly long hill to climb and I was in pretty good running shape so I just sprinted with everything I had in me. Then I got to the top of the hill and ran down (which to be quite honest was probably faster then I could have ridden down). At the bottom of the hill there was a guy taking pictures who had a tire Iron and I got to work... It took me quite a while to change the tire but eventually I got it as the guys kept passing me. There were quite a few who were not in my age group but it is really hard to keep them all straight. I got back on my bike and I just rode as hard as I possible could for the rest of the race. Turns out it was hard enough to win. I was certain there was still a rider ahead of me but he must have flatted and pulled out of the race... Cat 3 25-29 State and Unification Champion.
Some Observations as I see them:
1) The vibe at Mountain Bike events is AWESOME. I can not even tell you how awesome it is to be passing someone and actually have them cheer you on with "right on man, your killing it". I am trying to imagine bridging to the break or attacking and having someone offer up words of encouragement... Normally in road cycling they just chop your wheel in the turn around try to ride you off the road.
2) I noticed a TON of families out at these events together. Must more so then road events. A lot of kids were floating around and people were really making a day of it.
3) Never ever give up... ever. I really wanted to pull out when I flatted. I wanted to give up, throw in the towel and re-enforce the fact that mountain bike races suck big time I hate bicycles, I want to jump off a bridge, yada yada yada yada. Technicals are big time bummer. There is no doubt about that and I certainly have had my fair share of DNF's as a result of equipment failure. But there is a big difference between a side wall blow out or a broken derailuer and a flat. I saw A guy run through the finish with his bike. AWESOME. That is the kind of experience that defines and enriches your character, not whether or not you win.
4) I am really excited to race some cycle cross and more mountain bike events next year. It is a lot of fun more family and spectator freindly.
I am starting to find a little more Yin to balance out the abundant Yang and just like racing sail boats: the more even the keel, the flatter the boat, the faster your speed and the straighter your course.
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