Monday, September 14, 2009

Off Season?

This weekend started my unintentional offseason of sorts. It started with no riding on Friday on account of an extremely hectic morning at work followed by a marathon cleaning session with my beautiful wife. We got the old place completely cleaned and except for a small amount of stuff in the corner in the garage that we are going to take down to our parents house we are all moved out.

The new place is feeling more and more like home with every day that passes. It is a lot smaller, but also very cosy.

And then due to an awesomness factor of COMPLETLEY AWESOME Caitlin had Saturday off, which never happens so instead of the morning group ride we went for a great walk run walk, and then rode our bikes down town, did some errands, then saw Julie & Julia (which was AWESOME by the way). After that we headed to dinner at Tre Lune (A Restaraunt which we will NEVER EVER be returning to) and then strolled on down to the Saturday night shin dig.

Since Caitlin also had sunday mornin off I blew off Worlds and went for another run early... then Caitlin and I went to Bikrahm yoga (yowza yowza) and then a little BYB action. After which we parted ways as she headed into work and I convinced Matt and Zach that it would be a good Idea to kyak out to the Oil Rigs and back... A little over 12 miles, 4 hours, and 8 bonks later the harbor was with in licking distance. A good time was had by all and Charity had arranged a surprise dessert fesivus for Matt which caught him completely off gaurd.

Probably the best weekend I have had in a very long time... It is amazing all the fun stuff I able to find time for when I am not on the bike for 7 to 8 hours during the weekend. I felt good running and am going to start slow...I will probably wait until wed to run again and keep it short (around 2 miles).

Until then I leave you with some words by one of my all time favorites John Hartford:

Well, the city's growing up where it looks all squareLike a crossword
puzzle on the landscape.It looks like an electric shaver nowWhere the courthouse
used to be.The grass is all syntheticAnd we don't know for sure about the
food.The only thing we know for sure is them steamboat whistle blues.I'd sit and
watch my TV if I thought I could trust the news.About the only thing I trust
these daysIs them steamboat whistle blues.

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