Thursday, January 29, 2009

You know the feeling...

Its starts when you wake up one morning, swallow and think- hmm I don't remember that lump being there.
Then it gets progressively worse. And all you can do is think about all the people who you know who have been sick around you.
Zicam, echenesia, raw crushed garlic cloves, cayennepepper and whole lemon blended together, airborne... and then in a last desperate hope, turn off the alarm clock in the hopes that sleep will heal all.

*sigh* - Not a sellar week... Tulmucheous economy... stress at work...3000+ dollars of dental work (Most of which can not Wait), and on top of it all it looks like I am sick. looks like the stresses of life have gotten the better of my imune system.

Although one thing is for sure- sunshine or rain, good economy or bad economy, sick or no sick, there is nothing that will keep me from racing my bicycle this weekend... as long as I can physically get out of bed I will be racing my bicycle this weekend... and if my muscles can only bring 20% then I will have to let my mind and heart bring the other 120%...

yeah thats 140 percent... why what are you guys working with?


Bandit said...

Dental work? A serious bleaching before the wedding?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the laugh! No I am not bleaching my teeth- although its funny you would bring that up because my mom was just harping on me to get my teeth whitened.

A real bad Chipped Molar, (Basically a hole in my tooth)
and a lot of cavities(Ranging from-very bad to moderate to really bad)