Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tour of California: on the cancellation of stage one.

Rumor mill around the peloton is that everyone wanted to race except Levi and Hincape.

The reason being is for many, the only hope that they can beat the top top guys is a lucky break. Weather can provide just the platform. These are the days that the domestics live for. The chance for something to happen, to take a chance and have the opportunity to gain 20 minutes on the top guys.

This is a pretty typical situation. When ever those at the top have the most to loose and nothing to gain back door deals are made. Many times, even if forced to race, they would call a neutral peloton and just roll around at a mellow race until the end, when each team would pick a couple riders, send them to the front so the "fans" are not completely disappointed.

If you ask me, this is completely lame. I wonder what they are saying about us in belgium? Is this PRO cycling or is this LAWN BOWLING. GIVE ME A BREAK! Enough with the politics. Cycling used to be a sport for hardmen, and champions. Give me these days it is looking more and more and more like a sport.

Give me more Lance and Pantani dueling it out, tearing their insides apart, burning every match in the book and then 5 more.

Give me less wanking and more days like this:
Give me CYCLING.


Anonymous said...

Since you can't race a bike for shit and you don't know what you are talking about you need to keep your mouth shut! There were lots of guys that didn't want to race that day so don't blame Hincapie and Levi.

Unknown said...


Thanks for reading.
Second, thank you for sharing your opinion.

I won't argue with you here. To be honest, I didn't think anyone even read this thing.

We are all entitled to our opinions, I suppose that is why they are opinions. I heard what I heard and felt how I felt about it as did you.

As for your first sentiments, I'm sure you are right about that as well. Maybe If I was a little more serious things would be different, but I digress...