Training has been progressing nicely. I got a good solid recovery week in over the holidays and had some good eats. I also have the new training plan in hand for the next three weeks. Involved are FTP "stair" intervals, OSM repeats, SST, and a little tempo, and some trainer sessions to further my HTFU training.

After Worlds last Sunday I headed up Torro and then Ladera and almost fell off my bike when I saw these views.
I had to pull over and snap a couple on the 'Ol camera phone.
I guess I should really get a nice little digital camera that is not too expensive and could fit in my jersey pocket for occasions such as this one.
The quality from the camera phone isn't of the highest quality. ;)
See you all on the road , and Happy Holidays... For those with the time off enjoy, and for those of us who are working be grateful that we have jobs that allow us the privilege and honor of working during the holiday season with things how they are.
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