Monday, August 18, 2008

Boring Brentwood

Spinz-o and I represented Platinum Colors down at the Cat 3 Brentwood Grand Prix. The race was on a long 2.3 mile circuit with two ~160 degree turns at either end. The run up to the finish was over a mile with a slight little riser. The race was fast and uneventful. Spinzo took a one or two lap flier early on and I took a prime. Lagrange was by far the largest club there, but did little to attempt a real lead out, despite their numbers. Its too bad too. With a full mile straight into the finish an organized team would have completely dominated. Instead the run into the finish was chaotic and a crash happened right in front of me. I was unable to go around it so barrelled right into a bike head on. In my mind I had already crashed. "Oh boy, here we go again" I thought to myself as things started moving in slow motion... and then to my surprise I was still on my bike. WOW! I was completely un clipped and had fallen from my seat to my top tube, but was still upright (I'm thinking in part because of my speed). I clipped back in and finished the race. While examining my bike afterward I noticed my stem was crooked, had a cut on my right hand and my right shifter got nailed pretty hard (chipped and sticking). But my new frame made it out unscathed. I'm thinking when I barreled into the bike laying sideways on the ground in front of me it was still bouncing slightly and I knocked it up into me.
When I went to pick up my prime they told me that had given them all away already. :( I headed over to the officials. They confirmed that I had won the prime on lap 4 and told the la grange volunteers who told me "too bad" and handed me a T-shirt.

Correction to be made here. Mondo got 5th- still an incredible result giving the strength of the field and the size of the group the sprint. Way to go man!

1 comment:

Greg Knowles said...

Adding insult to injury by not getting your prime. BUMMER! Glad you survived without anything serious.